October 3rd, Kotlin Everywhere!

Sourcelabs is hosting a Kotlin Everywhere meetup, together with bol.com, Flock, Open Value and Skyworkz, as part of the Jetbrains Kotlin/everywhere initiative.

In the afternoon we will provide a workshop created and hosted by Joost de Vries on Kotlin Coroutines, which will give intermediate to advanced Kotlin developers some insight in how to leverage coroutines in their projects. The session is wildly popular and already full, but if you are interested, feel free to RSVP to the waitlist for a chance to get in if spots become available.

Kotlin/Everywhere Utrecht – Afternoon Workshop Program: Working with Coroutines

Thursday, Oct 3, 2019, 3:00 PM

Papendorpseweg 100 Utrecht, UT

1 Members Attending

>>> Workshop Working with Coroutines (Sourcelabs & Joost de Vries) This an intermediate/advanced level workshop. Kotlin coroutines provide a powerful way of reactive programming. And with the upcoming release of Spring Boot 2.2 programming with Kotlin coroutines reactive streams will be supported out of the box in WebFlux and R2DBC, allowing us to …

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In the evening, there’s another (beginner) workshop hosted by David Stibbe and Ali Meshkat. A great starting session for those interested in taking their first steps with Kotlin.

In parallel there will be two additional talks. The first talk, kindly provided by Flock, Jerre van Veluw will explain how Kotlin can assist in writing killer, consistent APIs. His session will immediately be followed by Nicolas Fränkel, who will demonstrate how we can migrate our Spring applications to be fully declarative, devoid of annotations. In his talk he will highlight the new Kotlin DSL and features that have first been piloted in Spring Fu.

Kotlin/Everywhere Utrecht – Afternoon Workshop Program: Working with Coroutines

Thursday, Oct 3, 2019, 3:00 PM

Papendorpseweg 100 Utrecht, UT

1 Members Attending

>>> Workshop Working with Coroutines (Sourcelabs & Joost de Vries) This an intermediate/advanced level workshop. Kotlin coroutines provide a powerful way of reactive programming. And with the upcoming release of Spring Boot 2.2 programming with Kotlin coroutines reactive streams will be supported out of the box in WebFlux and R2DBC, allowing us to …

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