Meetup: Spring Boot, Kotlin, Kofu and Coroutines | Bootiful CQRS & Event Sourcing + Axon

On the 18 of March 2019, Sourcelabs will host another awesome meetup with talks from top speakers Sébastien Deleuze (Pivotal) and Allard Buijze (AxonIQ).


18:00 – 19:00 – Food and drinks
19:00 – 20:00 – Spring Boot with Kofu and Coroutines, Sébastien Deleuze
20:00 – 20:15 – Short break
20:15 – 21:15 – Bootiful CQRS and Event Sourcing with Axon, Allard Buijze
21:15 – 22:00 – Drinks


Jaarbeurs Meetup
– Jaarbeursplein 6, Utrecht
– Plenty of parking spots available, very close to Utrecht CS

Spring Boot with Kofu and Coroutines by Sébastien Deleuze, Pivotal

During this talk, I will introduce the upcoming official Spring Coroutines APIs (for Framework, Boot, Data) as well as Kofu, the Kotlin DSL currently incubated in Spring Fu project (, which allows to configure Spring Boot in a more explicit and efficient way.

I will show how to use them in a live coding by leveraging the new Coroutines APIs of WebFlux and Spring Data R2DBC ( We will also compare Reactive and Coroutines APIs (pros, cons) to help you to make an educated choice.

Bootiful CQRS and Event Sourcing with Axon Framework by Allard Buijze, CTO & Founder AxonIQ

Events are becoming increasingly important in modern architectures. Although CQRS and Event Sourcing are increasingly being adopted, the complexity of implementing it is often highly over-estimated.

In this session, we will first briefly cover what CQRS and Event Sourcing are, and how it addresses some common requirements that modern applications have.

Next, we will open up the IDE and see how Spring Boot and Axon Framework work neatly together to get you up and running with Event Sourcing in mere minutes.

Once we have the application running, we will use Spring Cloud Discovery to scale the application out, where Axon will ensure optimal routing of commands. We will also see how we can easily use Spring AMQP to publish all events to an AMQP message queue as well.

Hope to meet you there!

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