Training: Kotlin for Spring developers
Op donderdag 7 november was de training “Kotlin for Spring developers” bij Sourcelabs B.V. op kantoor. In de ochtend stonden de basics van de programmeertaal Kotlin centraal. Theorie werd hierbij …
Op donderdag 7 november was de training “Kotlin for Spring developers” bij Sourcelabs B.V. op kantoor. In de ochtend stonden de basics van de programmeertaal Kotlin centraal. Theorie werd hierbij …
Every last Friday of the month we organize an internal Sourcelabs meetup. Main goal of our meetups is to gain new knowledge, share insights, get some hands-on experience with relevant …
We are hosting this meetup together with our friends from Agenda 17.30 – 18.30 Welcome, food and drinks18.30 – 19.30 Simon Brown – Modulair Monoliths19.30 – 19.45 Break19.45 – …
On the 18 of March 2019, Sourcelabs will host another awesome meetup with talks from top speakers Sébastien Deleuze (Pivotal) and Allard Buijze (AxonIQ). Schedule 18:00 – 19:00 – Food …
Zondag 2 december, is voor ons allen “a day to remember”. Sinterklaas kwam het Sourcelabs kantoor bezoeken, de pieten strooiden pepernoten in alle hoeken. De kinderen waren er die dag in …
Spring Fu is an experimental Kotlin micro-framework that makes it easy to create lightweight Spring-powered applications with functional APIs instead of annotations. Fu is for functional API, but that’s also …
Donderdag 7 juli was de tweede IT conferentie, de Spaces Summit. Dit event wordt georganiseerd door engineers voor engineers. Er was dit jaar ruimte voor 49 sprekers en 300 …
Last week I was working on a code base which had been partially converted from Java to Kotlin. The converted Java code base was making extensive use of java.util.Optional. The …
Sometimes you have to deal with existing libraries… also libraries that do not provide out-of-the-box support for Kotlin (bastards!). What do you do in such a scenario? Write your own …
The two trainers from Zilverline, Michael Franken and Sander Nieuwenhuizen, did a really great job in making this training a big success. Here is my report of the two day …